Monday, September 4, 2017

Black Bean & Egg Quesadilla

First ever video, I am working on the Camera Set Up and will get a new Tripod this week to hopefully get a better shot and angle, as well as future presentations hopefully be smoother. I am working on typing up the recipe ow and will update this blog when this happens...

Black Bean & Egg Quesadilla

Black Bean & Egg Quesadilla. 

Here is what I used in making it.

2 Eggs, approx 1/2 cup of Shredded Cheese, 2 heaping tsp of Salsa, a Bag of Frozen Onion & 3 Pepper Mix, Can of Black Beans, 2 - 8" Tortilla Shells, and Coconut Oil.
Spices needed: Salt & Pepper, Chili Powder, Cumin, Garlic Powder, Oregano, and Cilantro.
Add as much as you want, just do not go overboard.

  1. Get out the following ingredients from Fridge and Freezer: 2 eggs, Shredded Cheese, Salsa, Onion & 3 Pepper Mix (Frozen). Then 2 - 8"Tortilla Shells.
  2. Drain & Rinse the Black Beans in a colander to drain.
  3. Place 2-3 TB Coconut Oil into pan, let it melt.
  4. Get out 2 platters and cover with paper towels.
  5. Crack eggs into a bowls and place in grease. Season with Salt & Pepper. Break Yolks.
  6. Splash with grease until partially set, turn over gently, wait about 10-15 seconds and remove to paper toweled platter.
  7. Add a little more Coconut Oil and allow to melt, turn your heat up a little and start to cook your frozen vegetables. You may have to turn the heat up here until the grease starts cooking the frozen vegetable and water from ice crystals begins to evaporate. For 2-4 minutes.
  8. Season with Salt, Pepper, Chilli Powder, Cumin, Garlic Powder, Oregano, and Cilantro. Mix in.
  9. add beans and mix in. Remove from pan using a Spider or other slotted spoon to a bowl lined with paper towels. Turn heat down to a 1/3 of the way.
  10. Leaving most of the now seasoned oil in the pan. The next step should be done rather quickly.
  11. Place one Tortilla flat in greased pan, top with a handful of shredded cheese, 1 tsp of Salsa, 2-3 heaping tsp of Bean/Onion Mix, and finally lay an egg across this on one half. Using your spatula, fold quesadilla over on top of itself.
  12. Now do the same with the other shell, half the pan will be used for one Quesadilla so this one will not lay completely flat but on the part dress it as you did the other one.
  13. Once it is dressed, close it as you did the other one. Gently press down on each Quesadilla.
  14. First turning the first one gingerly, press it and now turn the other, press it.
  15. Remove them to a cutting board, use a sharp knife, cut three diagonal cuts and plate.
  16. Enjoy with additional Salsa, Sour Cream, or Guacamole. 
You will have extra Black Beans & Onion Mix, put them in an airtight container to use with additional Black Bean & Egg Quesadillas, I made 8-10 total from this batch of Beans & Onions.